The 7500 provides selectable input coupling, either direct (DC) or capacitive (AC). The amplifier's output is protected from short-circuit or other abnormal load conditions by a unique output protection circuit, that uses a modified form of foldback current limiting. The output stage is convection cooled by a special heat sink configuration.
Output Power, Voltage & Current (Specifications apply using a 200 ohm resistive load). Power: 75 watts, DC to 100 kHz; 40 watts at 500 kHz; 10 watts at 1 MHz. Voltage: 125 volts RMS, DC to 100 kHz; 90 volts RMS at 500 kHz; 45 volts RMS at 1 MHz.
Current: 625 milliamperes RMS, DC to 100 kHz; 450 milliamperes RMS at 500 kHz; 225 milliamperes RMS at 1 MHz. 1 dB, DC to 1 kHz; ±1.5 dB to 500 kHz; -3 dB at approximately 1 MHz. At 75 watts into 200 ohms, less than 0.1 % to 10 kHz, approximately 1.5% at 100 kHz. Fixed, 20 db ±0.2 db (X10) or 40 db ±0.2 db (X100), or continuously variable, zero to 40 db. The item is in good condition, tested and working.