The output power on 6 meters is about 42-43 watts but on all other bands it is about 45 watts. Maximum input power is 5 watts but it typically takes less than half that for 45 watts out. The HL-45B will include a copy of the operating manual. A short fused power cable and a mini-Din cable to connect to the Icom 705. The later cable places the HL-45B into transmit mode when the 705 is keyed.
If the cable is disconnected, the HL-45B will be in bypass mode, sending the 705 output directly to the LP-100A power meter. The HL-45B will also enter bypass mode if its power is turned off. The Icom 705 and LP-100A are not part of this sale. Only the Tokyo Hy-Power HL-45B, manual and cables mentioned above.